Implementing a dependency provider

The OfflineDependencyProvider is very useful for testing and playing with the API, but is not sufficient in complex setting such as Cargo. In those cases, a dependency provider may need to retrieve package information from caches, from the disk or from network requests.

PubGrub is generic over all its internal types. You need:

  • A package type P that implements Clone + Eq + Hash + Debug + Display, for example String

  • A version type V that implements Debug + Display + Clone + Ord, for example SemanticVersion

  • A version set type VS that implements VersionSet + Debug + Display + Clone + Eq, for example version_ranges::Ranges. VersionSet is defined as:

    fn main() {
    pub trait VersionSet: Debug + Display + Clone + Eq {
      type V: Debug + Display + Clone + Ord;
      // Constructors
      /// An empty set containing no version.
      fn empty() -> Self;
      /// A set containing only the given version.
      fn singleton(v: Self::V) -> Self;
      // Operations
      /// The set of all version that are not in this set.
      fn complement(&self) -> Self;
      /// The set of all versions that are in both sets.
      fn intersection(&self, other: &Self) -> Self;
      /// Whether the version is part of this set.
      fn contains(&self, v: &Self::V) -> bool;
  • A package priority Priority that implements Ord + Clone, for example usize`

  • A type for custom incompatibilities Incompatibility that implements Eq + Clone + Debug + Display, for example String

  • The error type returned from the DependencyProvider implements Error + 'static, for example anyhow::Error

While PubGrub is generic to encourage bringing your own types tailored to your use, it also provides some convenience types. For versions, we provide the SemanticVersion and the version_ranges::Ranges types. SemanticVersion implements Version for versions expressed as Major.Minor.Patch. u32 also fulfills all requirements of a version. Ranges represents multiple intervals of a continuous ranges with inclusive or exclusive bounds, e.g. >=1.3.0,<2 || >4,<=6 || >=7.1.

DependencyProvider requires implementing three functions:

fn main() {
pub trait DependencyProvider<P: Package, V: Version> {
  fn prioritize(
    package: &Self::P,
    range: &Self::VS,
    package_conflicts_counts: &PackageResolutionStatistics,
  ) -> Self::Priority;

  fn choose_version(
    package: &Self::P,
    range: &Self::VS,
  ) -> Result<Option<Self::V>, Self::Err>;

  fn get_dependencies(
    package: &Self::P,
    version: &Self::V,
  ) -> Result<Dependencies<Self::P, Self::VS, Self::Incompatibility>, Self::Err>;


prioritize determines the order in which versions are chosen for packages.

Decisions are always made for the highest priority package first. The order of decisions determines which solution is chosen and can drastically change the performances of the solver. If there is a conflict between two package versions, the package with the higher priority is preserved and the lower priority gets discarded. Usually, you want to decide more certain packages (e.g. those with a single version constraint) and packages with more conflicts first. This function has potentially the highest impact on resolver performance.


  • The root package depends on A and B
  • A 2 depends on C 2
  • B 2 depends on C 1
  • A 1 has no dependencies
  • B 1 has no dependencies

If we always try the highest version first, prioritization determines the solution: If A has higher priority, the solution will be A 2, B 1, if B has higher priority, the solution will be A 1, B 2.

The package_conflicts_counts argument provides access to some other heuristics that are production users have found useful. Although the exact meaning/efficacy of those arguments may change.

The function is called once for each new package and then cached until we detect a (potential) change to range, otherwise it is cached, assuming that the priority only depends on the arguments to this function.

If two packages have the same priority, PubGrub will bias toward a breadth first search.

Once the highest priority package has been determined, we want to make a decision for it and need a version. choose_version returns the next version for to try for this package, which in the current partial solution is constrained by range. If you are trying to solve for the latest version, return the highest version of the package contained in range.

Finally, the solver needs to know the dependency of that version to determine which packages to try next or if there are any conflicts. get_dependencies returns the dependencies of a given package version. Usually, you return Ok(Dependencies::Available(rustc_hash::FxHashMap::from(...))), where the map is the list of dependencies with their version ranges. You can also return Dependencies::Unavailable if the dependencies could not be retrieved, but you consider this error non-fatal, for example because the version use an unsupported metadata format.

Aside from the required methods, there is an optional should_cancel method. This method is regularly called in the solver loop, currently once per decision, and defaults to doing nothing. If needed, you can override it to provide custom behavior, such as giving some feedback, or stopping early to prevent ddos. Any useful behavior would require mutability of self, and that is possible thanks to interior mutability. Read on the next section for more info on that!